Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Something Noteworthy.

Im heading home, arriving in Australia on:

The 8th of December. Sydney. Australia.

Mark it on your calendars.


Dave.Abbott said...

Certainly will. I'm excited about your 21st!

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

52 days i counted...sounds like soo far away!
cant wait till your home tho, and me and mumsy can pick u up from the airport..
oh, i got my green p's yesterday joely, doing 100kms on the highway has never felt so good!

Anonymous said...

omg thats heaps weird i was just about to send u a comment askin wen ur comin home... i guess now i dont have to lol.
well hope u enjoyed ur time in europe. cant wait for u to get back... i should hav my P's wen u get back too. im goin for them next wednesday... weather i pass or not is a different story lol. we will hav to have a big party for u wen u get home. talk soon
xoxox bree

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

i was looking through the photos i took of u for ur overseas licence,
ha ha ha ha ha..
i was almost crying they were that funny..
'wok eye' ha ha ha
:) :) :) :) :) :)
HSC tomorrow

Rachel x