Saturday, December 15, 2007

We've Arrived.

Well, we're home.

Thanks for taking the time to follow our journey.

Everyone's comments were greatly appreciated. It meant a lot to us.


Unknown said...

what?!?! that's all I get? we're home? who's home? both of you? isn't Brad still traveling...? please update for those readers not in the beautiful sunny Australia! :D
Merry Christmas guys!

Braddy said...

Hey Hey Claire!
Nah i ended up coming home with Joely. Had no money left and was a bit home sick! Also wanted to be home for chrissy!
What have you been up 2?
Merry Xmas!!!

Unknown said...

ahhh. I was hoping you guys would stop by North time :D I had a marvelous Christmas with my family (both my brothers were home so that was nice) and have been balancing working and relaxing. I also start University on January 7th...what about you? is it weird being home? it was for me when I first came home! Happy New Year!

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