Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Enjoying myself.

Echoing Brads post, I too sit here with a chilly current of air filtering from the wet cobblestones that make up both sides of a gray speed hump that hosts roadway to a varitey of European beauties: of course, im referring to all the silver Mercedes and black BMW's.

Moving on moving on. We met a guy from Hungary the day we checked in to this newer hostel called JOURNEY's HOSTEL WATERLOO. He speaks like an American thanks to the NY scholarship he holds. The three of us left the hostel and did our 20 minute walk into London yesterday afternoon and followed our dry noses into quaint (wooden themed, ooh yes) London Pubs to wet our whistles. Believe it or not, (actually its totally believable) the cider here is cheaper, and a lot more people drink it. The 3 main variety's are Bulmers (Really Good), Magners (Unique and also very good) and the ol' reliable Strongbow (bout the same as home really, but probably etching forward in taste.)

A Pint will cost you 3 pounds 50. which if you do the mats, a pound is $2.30 thats $5.75 Australian. (MUM & DAD, I may be asking you for more money in the end....HO HO HO!!!!)
We did a little bit of a crawl. About 6 pubs. had mostly half pints of horrible British Beer.

I said to some of you back home, before leaving that "...I shouldn't generalise, but Poms are an ugly country." You know what? By and large, im not going to take back that statement. Generally they are. I do know a few nice looking ones. Some back home. And Ive seen a few here. But as i said, 'By and large'. Come to mention it, Lily Allens playing and if I recal, she's quite unique. 'KNOW-I-MEAN'.

I've bought Harry Potter, yes. I have previously stated this. And so far, so good. In fact, its shaping up to be one of the bloody bests. Remember the average one...Order of the Pheonix. Even Chamber of Secrets, well Im only up to chapter 3 or 4 and so far im excited. (Not to mention a little heartbroken and shocked.)

Ooooh...Funny thing that I have to share with you. We came back from a huge treck this morning and I came down from my room with my Harry Potter book to get a bit of it under my belt. Sitting in the common room is 4 other poeple (all the other occupants of the common room) and they we're all.......ALL reading Harry Potter. I had to interrupt there fanatical concentrations to point out that funny fact. A fact, which Im pretty sure, (through reflection on that particular moment) they already had discovered. I laughed.

Heading to Bath tomorrow. Brads still under the assumption it's a place to actually wash yourself. In this light, he has taken to not washing himself at all. Eagerly in anticipation of reaching the roman influenced city to wash his Londonny muck all away.

Please leave your comment. Persevere through the security features (they not that hard) and let us know you've read our comments. I hope you've enjoyed the pictures. Rachel. If your out there anywhere (Rachel is my sister admiring fans) I will try and grow a Beard. I was actually hoping that some of my chin stubble would make it out through the pictures taken of me at London Bridge today. Obviously the megapixels arent high enough.



Dave.Abbott said...

Told ya Bulmers was good. $5 pints down here.

Good to see some extra photos. They need to be more silly... More flexing!

Got my results for last semester! 5 high distinctions, 1 distinction and a credit.

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

Hey Joel & Brad,
Love the pictures sorry I missed your call hope you have found transport to Bath. The Bath may be full, gossip still has it (albeit the news) that a large part of Britain is underwater. We have seen photos of people's lounge rooms under 3 ft of water. No, really joel I'm not exaggerating. Keep Blogging we love it

Brad's Mum said...

Hey guys - its true .. despite Brad not knowing - half of England under water - well maybe not quiet half.. but they are evacuating - at least you guys could take a bath in it!!!!! Thanks for the phone call last night Brad - maybe you could work it out so that it is not 2 0'clock in the morning next time - I would like to be awake to talk to you!!!!
Keep Safe

Chrissele said...

Speaking of Harry Potter... I'm finally reading it!!! Aahh so excited, lol.

I'm up to Chapter 12 atm. And I agree with you Joel, so far so good!

Anywho, keep us up to date :) xx.