Saturday, July 21, 2007

Single Serve everything on a Plane.

Helloo everybody,

A big thing for me, I've made it out of Laurieton, quite a leap to land bruised ankled here in England. Come on, one big pat on the back for me. (Aahh Thank you.)

Currently I sit in a dodgy, asian run side alleyed internet aaahhhh......(looking for the right word here) cafe....No, lounge.....No, pseudo covenvience store...maybe. Im in Soho. A relatively cool part of London, with an Edge of Sydney 'Rocks' and British charm. I've so far been a bit surprised at the lack of Britishism in Britian. Like George Street Sydney.

First night we stayed at the 2nd best Hostel in London. It was called Palmers Lodge. And although we had doubts on its quality, comparisons with No.8 hostel (where we are now) show that we just didnt understand how good we had it. The No.8 hostel is like a carpeted Public toilet with bunk beds. We've even got a mad squatter with some deal with the hostel as a cleaner. Some Black Women who sparodically you'll find backing up and down the stairs, ass out, with her buckets taking 4 step increments, grabbing her buckets, placing them at her feet, then taking a further 4 steps and then repeating the whole damm proccess. She shouts random shit at you like "Leave your backpacks at the stair" - which cause's people to snigger, especially close-knit Aust. backpackers like ourselves (Brad and I.)

I got sick on the plane. The actual visual interpretation of being sick on a plane. Vomiting into a paper bag. Turns out they didn't microwave the Pizza properly. Cold shivers.....then VOMIT. All I needed was for one of you to pat me on the back and tell me it was alright. Brad. Where was Brad you ask? Asleep. Dreaming of Addlestone Cider. WHERE WERE YOU??

Korea was a one night stopover. The toilet in our room was almost as big as the Spa in my bathroom back home. The shower had a funny silver nob you had to correleate with the bath tub to get it running through the overheard nozzle. Hotel was 5 stars. You could tell from the ridicolously large painting in the foyer that looked llike it could of been painted from any old sod down at a Pysch. ward.

Im getting that post-alcoholic beverage thirst - for Water. Or something sensible.

Appreciate the time you've taken.

Keep reading friends.