Friday, August 10, 2007

Joint Comment - We're both Drunk. (What do you expect.)

Wonderful guess. Yes we're drunk. The best way to describe the sitation: 2 O'Clock in the morning, 5 pubs. 2 free shots, lots of alcohol.lots pf interesting people. Hannah, Alex, Ross, Jeremy, Brooks and of course Chad. Chad was our guide, an awesome guide, who gut equally drunk with us. "What a job" We said.

We started off at the steps of Trinity College, anticipating the night ahead. From there I thimk we found the best pub yet - its name still forgotten, but I drank 'Bulmers', a fantastic cider with this wonderful and rich after taste. My favourite cider. MOving from Pub to pub, we played a game called 3's. Totally made of dice, the object> to drink. There was a player called the 3-man, and everytiome the 10 or so people rolled a number that was divisible by 3, I had to drink, but my problem was that I ran out of beer, so instead of drinking, thay all made me get up and dance.So danced I did, and I think i did it succesfully, because I garnered quite a few laughs. I don't know. Ask Brad.

What was incredible was that we drunk a beer called Frulli: It was a Straberry flavoured Beer.And it was incredible. The whole glass was beyond magic. Just incredible. It was one of the weirdest things. Frmo there I drunk Heinieken, and Carlton Cold. The last pub we visited was "Down Under", and Australian themed oub with absolutley NO australians. maybe agentinians. Doing there music. Which made me laugh. From there we danced with 2 really awwesome British chicks who we hung out with for the remainding night. From there: quite a stumble. Brad who knows Dublin like the taste of a Snickers Wrapper stumbled inctrollably like the drunk that he was....I....well, I was in fact competitively equal, like an orange cucumber.(Huh?)

And made the journey like Frodo and Sam in the Return of the King. "Throw it Mr. FRODO!!!!" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Im.....StUffed!!! And so it was.


Unknown said...

hahahaha Joel, I'd kill to see you dance!
Why didn't we go drinking that night in Bath, instead of playing Cranium?!?!
It was still a fun night but come on!

Chrissele said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's funny. But I'm glad you guys are still alive and well.

Atm, I have a mental image of you dancing drunkenly! LOL! Strawberry flavoured beer? How odd. From the sounds of you, it taste yum! Or were you too intoxicated to know that everything taste good... Haha, jk.

Pitty about that Aussie themed bar. I was chatting to Brad about it how it's a bit of home. We're missing you two heaps.