Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Pictures, pictures and more pictures!

Trinity University - Dublin (me rebelling against the system)

Sunset at Fishgaurd Wales - Awesome!!!

Young Hooligans Camping - Fishgaurd


Newport Coastline - Wales

Joel Peeing on a Statue - Trinity Uni

Somewhere in Cardiff

Again Somewhere in Cardiff

Reserved for what?

Some Feild in Fishgaurd

King of the field


Chrissele said...
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Chrissele said...

Hahahahahaha!!! This is one bunch of funny and awesome photos! You guys make me laugh :D Haha.
They're really great and beautiful, especially that sunset at Fishguard and that it has a lovely country side. Cardiff looks like its got really great gardens/parks.

Ooh, Trinity University. Did you guys manage to do a bit of research or check out some history of the country :P

Joel said...

We didnt do much research, no. But we checked out the college, sorta, but wasn't interested in paying the 10 Euro walking guide fee to see the book of Kells. (Whats the book of Kells? Id say you should Wikipedia it.)