Thursday, September 27, 2007

Some Pictures...

Hey Guys, Still not much going on since the last post. Had a pretty big night last night, it was one of the girls birthday, so everyone went out and had drinks at the pub and then back for cocktails, the thought of which still makes me sick to think about them at the moment. I feel like crap this morning becuase i had to get up for work early after 3 hours sleep. But you get that i suppose, and i can't really phone work and say i am sick either, ,one downer about living AT work! I have another damn shift tonight too! Arrrggh i hate money!
I know Joely has a huge post coming so i won't make this one too long. Hope everyone back home is great!!!! So here are the pics:

"The Alex" - Where we are working! (The building on the left)

Joely after me and him downed way too much vodka (We can't really remember Tristan coming into our room and snapping the pics either ;) )

Lukey D and Joely - We finally got to see him!

Me and Joely Before Work... Stupid uniforms

The Grog Monster

Joely, Tristan and Luke midway through a drinking session, bogan style in our hotel room! (Guess who got stuck taking the photo!)

Fort William

Fort William Sunset on a good day...

Effies Place - Our home away from home for a week while the hotel was full


haha me after too much vodka, and no thats not a rug under my arm ;)

Iron Bru is Scotlands national soft drink, its the only soft drink that out sells coke! Its not too bad either...

I stumbled accross this rare species of uglyanus water rat! Very Scary!

Fort William Again

And again...

And again...

My room in Effies House. Awesome!!!

Joely in his room at Effies

Ben Nevis...The Biggest mountain in the UK. Right behind Fort William too..

Ben Nevis again


The Elephant Cafe in Edinburgh. One of the Cafes where J.K Rowling started writing Harry Potter. Great Place!!!

Me trying to write Harry Potter number 8!

Castle Rock Hostel - Our Hostel in Edinburgh! One of the best ones we have stayed at..

First Day in our Hotel room...

And another one of Fort William...


Anonymous said...

Hey Braddy
Nice to see some new pics there .. they look good .. and nice to see that you guys are Ok and halfway healthy!!
Love You Heaps
Be Safe

megs254 said...

Hey!! Wow the places you have been look and probably are amazing!! Still quite jealous! The uniforms you wear are very jazzy, and the place you work looks like a palace. Not a huge amount of news here, just chugging along at uni. Australian Idol is down to the top 9, not that you probably care. Turned 20 the other day so I have nothing to blame my immaturity on!! Continue to have an awesome time!! xx

Chrissele said...

Oh cool! That's pretty awesome photos of the scenery.

Hehe you guys still manage to make me laugh. These new photos makes me miss you both heaps. Lol, and Luke!

What are the TV shows there like...? Ooh, that's cool about the Elephant Cafe. Makes me wonder what's the next book Rowling's going to write. And Effie's home looks very comfy. xx.