Sunday, September 9, 2007

Fort William...

Hey Guys, its been a while since our last post, but thats because nothing has really happenend! We have been working for about a week now (i pulled of an 11.5 hour shift last night so im knackered) and its all going ok. Havent been paid yet but we havent had to spend any money which is a big relief on the bank accounts. Joely is working in the Bar and i am Waitoring and even though we have only been there for a week or so, me and Joely were left to run things for an hour or two yesterday which was interesting. So it was a case of how many pints can we drink in an hour? lol just kidding mum, i knew i could only handle 10 so i stopped at 9!
The weather has been crap here, we have had one sunny day, it was an "excellent day" according to the locals, even though it was cloudy for about half of it!
I cant remember what was said in the last post, but at the moment we are staying with a Scottish Lady in her home, cause the hotel is full, and it has been amazing! We get a full english breakfast every morning, including Black pudding once, which wasn't too bad, and we both have our own rooms in a beautiful english home. Its great having that homely feeling again!
havent taken that many more pics but ill try and upload some soon, maybe tommorrow...maybe...
Not alot else is really happening. Still havent gotten around to trying haggis or seeing the Loch Ness monster but hopefully that will come on a day off next week.
Alrighty well thats about it, hope everyone is great!
Love to everyone


Anonymous said...

Hey Brad & Joel,
Great to hear from you again you have no idea how many times we check this blog, you even have a following in South West Rocks. Just been up to the Casey ranch.
Ah!! yes working does get in the way of a good time
cheers Karen Des & Rachee

Anonymous said...

Mmm Braddy .... 10 the limit hey ... I will remember that next time you phone me ..can't speak to me .. then don't remember phoning!!!! It is great to see you add more to the blog .. it is good to know you are working hard .... be safe and have fun