Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Finally some new pics!

Hello everyone!
Well i have finally found a decent computer to upload some photos to, so here they come...
We are currently in Edinburgh at the moment, last night tonight, and love this city, its awesome!
We went on a FREE 3hr walking tour today, guided by an Aussie whcih was great! We gave her a 2.5 pound tip as well...Jeez we are generous!
If you also look closely at some of the photos you can tell that i've had a shave! If you zoom in about 20000 times you may also see that Joely has had a shave as well!! (In some of the newer photos) haha
Anyways here they come, most are from my new SLR camera:


Joely Stretching in the fountain

Who wants chops for tea...

The Amazon Jungle or Botanic Gardens Belfast?

Testing out my new camera


Fuzzy man peach...

Botanic Gardens, Belfast

Out the front of Iceland...

Out the front of Iceland pt.2

Edinburgh Castle

Some weird Japanese Tourist...

We went into a fish n Chip shop in Edinburgh, Joely ordered a chicken burger and was promptly asked "would you like a bun with that" we looked puzzled at each other and joely replied "ahh yeh"...She ripped open the roll with her bare hands, whacked a slab of chicken on a bun and handed it over the counter to joel, "That'l be to poun fifty". It was the worst burger Joel has ever had...I thought it was quite funny!

ooh look at me!

A Park in Edinburgh (lovely)

I love whacky mirrors

Edinburgh Fringe Festival

I found this very good Joel look a like

pfft who needs rules

Testing out new camera

"Whats that coming over the hill, is it a monster..."

Ferry to Scotland

Ferry to Scotland pt.2

View from our hostel window - Edinburgh

Killarney National Park - Ireland


Red Joely

Glasgow by Night (1st night shot with my new SLR) :D

Arty farty - Neocropolis Glasgow


Brad's Mum said...

Hey Guys .. thanks for the phone calls ... the photos look great .. you guys look great .. happy and healthy ....Pleased that you managed to get jobs .... I have been told to tell you to try to get to Oban Gateway to the Western Isles ..... be safe and enjoy yourselves ... i love the new pictures
Brad's mum xxxxxxx

Dave.Abbott said...

Lmao, I love how you two write. Always gives me a giggle. It's really something else.

Liz is in London now. She's living far more comfortably than you pair. Damn her and her lucrative job.

On a side note, went to the PIXAR exhibition on the weekend. It was awesome. So much stuff I wanted to steal.

Best of luck with your new found jobs. Travel safe. Mwa.

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

the pics are good!
but joely im definately not digging the chops..ha ha
im proud of your efforts tho.
its great uz both got jobs...
mum was extreamly impressed i never heard the end of it..ha ha joely u know how she gets! yabba yabba yabba!
im going for a walk with dad up the fire trail..
Have fun, Rachel :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

brad those photos are so good. the quality is amazing, so clear! Im sure nath will be dying to teach you a few cool tricks when you get back :)
Btw joel i LOVE you hair!!!! it looks freakin awesome. and you sideys and everything, it just looks really good. Yes brad your lookin suarve(sp?) as always...
Nath got a haircut, its really short but looks BLOODY GOOD!! he looks so much older and mature, hes a sexy hunka spunk! hehe.
alrighty boys uuuuuu take care.
miss u. love emxx

Joel said...

HAHA!! Thanks guys!

Unknown said...

Hey guys!

Firstly lemme say that I LOVE ur pics...they are awesome!
Secondly, great job finding the jobs! I found one of my own...finally and bascially that's the only update I have for you guys lol.
Keep posting the pics!