Tuesday, August 7, 2007

We've done the trekking - Wales 2 [Republic of] Ireland.

Both Brad and I are making a post here on Cool Your Throats, adjacent to each other, looking out onto a Irish street, in its capital, Dublin. First impressions: cool city.

Nightmare which is travelling. Skipping everything at the camp site in Wales, we walked from the campsite into Newport (the small camping town), caught a 15 minute bus to Fishguard, caught a ferry from there to Ireland (3 and a half hours), then waited and hour and fifteen for the 3 and a half hour bus trip we were to talk to Dublin. Using Brads Lonely Planet travel guide, we took to the streets, me clasping the tent, Brad clasping "Rodrigo". Midnight - city still alight.

Fighting of the possibility in our minds that the hostel had a curfew and then in turn - would be closed, we trudged on - admiring nightclub after bar after nightclub. There it was. In all its grandeur - the Avalon Hostel - and it was groooovy. (And still open - Whew!!)

Settle in. Choose beds. What next? Sleep would seem the most logical thing. Us being logical guys - we instead choose the Bar. About a 200 metre walk, we settle in (so stupid, but an American themed bar - I mean, why choose an American themed bar for your first drink in Ireland?) ...Irrespective, we got pints of Guinness. Why? For Gods sake - I have NO IDEA!!!


(Which, in fact, is the exact same thing brad declared at the start of the trip: he said "SHOWERS....NEVER AGAIN!") Someone get a guerney!!! And Metho.


Chrissele said...

The boys are becoming drunken nutters!! Oh no, please don't become stinkers too (have a shower)... Lol, I'm just joshing! You guys are pretty logical... ;) :P

Hahahaha, it's all fun and games. Its great you two are still having a lot of fun even if you have mishaps. I suppose its what makes the story sounds so interesting, hehe. You'd be lost and annoyed and thundered by crap weather. But then you'd think back on that day how crazy and funny it was :P

Have you guys made a collection of suveniers while you guys are trudging along these awesome countries??

Joel said...

Yeah Brad collects Beer Coasters, me, well, Ive been on the look out for new books, but thats something I've always done.

pookungfu said...

hey joely, i thank you for leaving good sized blog posts. i been goin on my phone an readin them at work, its helping to cure the boredom nicely. anyway, ill get to the point i guess. its glad to see ya's are doin well. emm says hi and hope all is well. ill make a proper comment later on at some point, i finally got the net on at the new place. woot friggin woot!
check ya's!