Friday, August 10, 2007

Joint Comment - We are both Drunk (what do you expect)

Well hello hello! Ireland, the home of beer and guiness! Luvley! All i can say is that its 2:20am and we have just got back to the hostekl from an awesome pub crawl, was wicked! Downd a few jugs of Baveria with Joely and had a few shots of god knows what, awesome!!!!! Started out with about 3 pints of guiness which was a great start to thr night!!!
Meet heaps of cool people like Hannah and Alex (you guys were wicked, almost drank me and Joely under the table, for girls that was a great job) haha, also Chad you were a wicked guide, cheers to you mate, good job!!
Well my fingers keep typing, but i dunno what they are typing! A little bit gooone you say, definatly!!
We ended up visiting about 5 different pubs, and almost each pub we got free shots, which was definatly worth it. Joely is giggling like a girl beside me (he is gooonski), well we are both a little bit drunk but who cares!!!
hmm i have the munchies, shit i might go cook a feed,sweet as brew!
What else can i say? Dublin is awesome! I love guiness and i am hungry! Soo ill// leave it a that hey cool@
Weeeelllllll gooooodbye and i shall alk to you laer (mum its ok we will survie dont stresss all gooood!! haha love you mummy)
Well i am finished babbeling on' so ill talk to ya all realy soo0n!!
Love to eberyyyone!


Unknown said...

Hey guys!

I'm glad to hear your having such a great time, and also very jealous. Yes my portion of the trip has ended and I'm writing this from home :(
Dublin is great but make sure you go to Edinburgh soon, it's awesome there. Huge parties everywhere cuz of the Fringe and stuff that's happening.
Also you should head to Glasgow for an evening, just enough time to check out the Burrell Collection, which I can tell u I visited and it was great (I know Evonne's the art person here but if I'm telling you it's great, it is lol)
And in response to Evonne by the way, I do listen...not always though, sometimes her advice on jobs for instance, aren't always as thought out as they should be *wink wink*
Anyways have a few drinks for me!!

Unknown said...

BTW if you guys have facebook, u can add me as a friend and view all of our pics from the trip, you can find me as Rita Fazio

Chrissele said...

Hehehe, Brad you're typing and spelling is way off when you're drunk. Lol, but its normal ain't it :P

I think you two are 'happy drunks' yeah? Am I right? I tend to dance a lot and laugh a lot! Lol.