Wednesday, August 15, 2007

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Hellloooo Peoples, how is everyone???
This will be just a relativly short post with some pics. We are currently staying in a maaaaad hostel (we have our own ensuite, and yes we have actually used it and had showers!!!!!) in Cork for a total of 3 nights, and then the plan is to go camping in a place called Killarney, about 1 hour west of cork!
So far we are having an awesmoe time here in cork. We decided to be "social butterflies" last night and we met up with a group of young Irish guys and gals, some of the guys were in a band, although i can't remember there name, and we drank a few pints in the hostel, made some noise and then hit the streets of Cork for a while, although this morning me and Joely felt it!
Thats enough from me, here are the pics:

Thats right boys and girls...

This is a before shot (Joely actually tried some on, apparantly they are pretty comfortable)

What a way to start the night, good ol booolmers!

Corky Cork Cork

Awesome Cafe accross from University College Cork (Joely is hiding his fully grown beard!)

Sitting in the grounds of Trinity College in Dublin

*ah-hem* our room, if you can call it that (beautiful art work there on the wall)

Me having a shower - Shitty hostel style!!

View from our hostel - Breathtaking

oooo yeah thats right, i have my own quay!


Anonymous said...

hey hey boys, nathy here,thort ide finally comment youse :-) soooo.. firstly.. far out brussel sprout, you 2 have massive beards haha, well brad does lol. joel mate, you look like youve shed your bumb fluff and have grown sum sidies tho :p

missing you both heaps, hopfully will get another call soon :-) btw i got the job :-D yeeeeew, keep up the good work with the phots brad, they look awsome. love yas both, cheers nathy.

p.s joel you are the funniest retard ive ever met, loving you blogs they crack me up :-) its your metaphors and wat not :-) there halarious!!!!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxxox haha. down with underwear!

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

hey brad finally you have a quay but no front door ha ha
Joel what is it with the sideeez and can you ever take a straight photo without pulling a face or is it all the bulmer's ? thanks for the call it was great. lol mum

Braddy said...

Hey Hey guys thanks for the comments!
haha ill try and find Merchant's front door, and themn ill have a quay and a door!
hah Nath, this beard has taken me a while to grow, mainly from lazyness! Congrats on the job!! I also have a few new photos that ill upload later..

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

brad u wear ur undies heeps high..
ha ha ha
rachel :)

Brad's Mum said...

Hey Brad I can see what Rachel means - it is OK to buy your jeans two sizes too big - but not your undies sweetie I love the photos ...especially the one of you in front of the 'happiness' sign -
travel safe and have fun .. love to both of you xxx

Braddy said...

haha the Jocks were high cause i just got out of bed. jeez, hahah!