Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our little pub crawl/stumble..

Well hello hello vivid coolyourthroats readers, haha kidding! Well as all of you know we are in Dublin at the moment, apologies for the last drunken post, we were going to remove it but we thought we would leave it up for a laugh. Dublin is Wicked, the best city we have visited by far! I can't remember where i got at to on the last post but ill start from the other night with our pub crawl!
We met out the front of the famous Trinity College for a 7 Euro pub crawl, including free shots! We were about 20 mins early so we went for a stroll through the college, and i was constantly hearing "oh shit im gonna get hammered" or "oh no i hope i don't chunder again" from Joely, but like the good friend i am i reassured Joely that I would look after him, and that I did :p
We started the night out at a pretty cool little Irish pub, in True Irish custom i had i pint of Guiness, Joely a Bulmer's cider and chatted with the rest of the group, which was a relativily small group but full of awesome people. English, American, Sedish, Polish and Aussie! We also had a free shot of something or other which tasted like it was just cordial (which it may just have been)!
From there we went to another place where we got cheap pitchers of beer, so me and Joely shared one of them (about 10 Euro for three pints, sick!) and played drinking games lead by our awesome tour guide chad!! Also had another pitcher there with Alex and Hannah (dunno if you guys will be reading this or not but hello if you are ;) ) cause Joely wussed out lol.
From there it gets a bit hazy but we went to one place which served a beer called Fruli (Strawberry Beer) which was amazing and then after that we went to an Aussie Pub which was packed full of Brazilians..I think! Managed to get a Carlton Cold there which was sweet! After that we were a little bit, oh i dunno how you say it, Drunk! haha! From there i managed to lead Joely back to the Hostel like a true friend cause he was gone!! ok ok so it MAY have been the other way around, Joely quite possible could have lead me home haha! But yeh was a top night.
Yesterday we had to switch Hostels from our awesome Hostel/Hotel/resort and we are now in a really crap Hostel with 1 shower between 50 people! So it looks like we will have to go another few days without showers. I might go for a swin in the river Liffey for a bit of a wash ;)
We have also had a run in with the Gaurd (police) which was a little weird, i think Joely is writing about it now so i won't say anything except that i am glad i kept my booking receipt which everytime i have entered the Hostel i have been asked for by various people, so in total i reackon i have flashed it about 50000 times, jeezus you think they would be able to remember the faces of two good looking aussie blokes!
After Dublin we are going to a place called Cork and camping there for a week which should be great. We have also bought tickets to a Festival in Belfast on the 22nd August and are going to see 'The Killers' and 'The Shins' which should be awesome. Which means we are heading to Belfast after cork which should be interesting. After Belfast the plan is to catch a Ferry to Scotland (where we will hopefully get jobskis) so i am pretty escited about that too...
I am really getting into photography at the moment so ill post up some more landscape pictures later on! I am restraining myself from buying a digital SLR camera over here until i get a job (which may be soon) but they are soo cheap and wicked cameras! Anyways i will leave it at that, here are some pics to go out on!
Thanks for taking the time to listen to my crap

Awesome Pub in Dublin, Joely drinking Bulmers me Guiness :D

Me in the Pub in Dublin (taken by suprise might i add)

Joely looking cool as a cucumber in our cool hostel in Dublin

Me and a weird statue outside the gallery of modern art

Black Sand arrrrrrrrrrrggghhhhhh

dunno whats happening here...

or here :P


Chrissele said...

That statue at Modern Art looks cute!
Isn't Joel growing a beard anymore? Just seeing Brad's facial hair, thought Joel's would be the same length too.
The Killers! How awesome, have fun! Tell me about it soon.

Chrissele said...

Oh, no wait. I've just enlarged his photo and yeah I can see his orange beard, lol. Is it orange??

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

Hey Joel & Brad
Great to hear your news, how different can the quality of hostels get. You both look great, a little bleary eyed but GREAT. Love the photos Brad keep at it. Sounds like you're having more fun that us, GOOD LUCK with the job hunting in Scotland.
cheers Karen & Des & Rach

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

Hey Joel & Brad
Great to hear your news, how different can the quality of hostels get. You both look great, a little bleary eyed but GREAT. Love the photos Brad keep at it. Sounds like you're having more fun that us, GOOD LUCK with the job hunting in Scotland.
cheers Karen & Des & Rach

brad'smum said...

Hey guys - love the photos ... you guys sound like you are having fun - although the police interviews must have been a bit worrying .. maybe the next lot of camping will be bliss compared to the last hostel ... enjoy and stay safe ... love to you both XXX

Nathaniel said...

hola, como esta...oh wait i can speak english, im already forgetting, my first comment waoowaohaowhdofbglebna, so joely, you growing ya beared, bloody ripper!(with english accent), holla back hooligans!!!!!!!