Thursday, August 9, 2007

Stroll around Dublin...

Hey Everyone, well last night i decided to go for a stroll around dublin at about 11pm with the camera and experiment with some night shots..Well they are nothing special but here they are:

Well thats it, not much else is happening, Dublin is sweet! At the moment we have no accommosation for the weekend but we will get there :D
No time left on this machine so i am off
Love to everyone


>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

Hey Joel & Brad,
Love the pictures, you both look well, I hope you have found soap and a hot shower or you won't have any luck with the ladies !!! Now, who is the stinky one?? I have just caught up on the last few posts and enjoyed them all. Keep writing we love it.
Karen(Mum xxx)

Unknown said...

Beautiful pics guys!

Chrissele said...
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Chrissele said...

Love lovely.
Is that the O'Connell Bridge? It looks pretty similar to the Pont Neuf Bridge in Paris. Hey did you know that Pont Neuf was wrapped by the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude in 1985 as one of their artworks! Like fully covered by 440,000 square feet of fabric and 43,000 ft of rope!!

Lol, just remembering art back in higschool. I thought it was this bridge that they covered til I realised the bridge is situated in Paris, duh...