Saturday, August 25, 2007

whats this, a new post???

Helloooo everyone, sorry for the delays in posting, internet has either been way to expensive or in accesible! At the moment i am typing away in Glasgow on shitty keboard! Joely and i have seperated to find internet cafes, i decided to have a browse around the city and i found 3, and joely decided to go to the tourist info centre and ask for help, pffft lets see whos works out better, haha.
Anyways where to begin? We left Dublin a while ago and headed to a place called cork, which was a cooooool place. It had a beautiful uni, which we strolled through the grounds, breathtaken by how beautiful it was! We found a cool little bar with an awesome vibe, so we sat down and had a couple of pints with awesome music playing in the background such as Jeff Buckley and Jose Gonzalas!! That night we also met up with a group of young Irish Lads and lasses from a band at our hostel and kicked on into the night with them visiting a few pubs around cork which was great fun, although i must say Guinness is a CRAP beer to skull!
We also visited the Blarney castle which was a great experience. Such Beautiful countryside as you can tell from the pics, and i mean there is nothing that can compare to kissing a stone that apparantly 'the locals piss on every night'...yeah....The castle its self was full of narrow passage ways and dark underground caves which was an amazing sight to see...And the grounds were full of old willows and streams, if it wasn't for the thousnds of tourists you would feel like you were back in the 15th century!
Apart from that we pretty much bummed our way around cork, seeing things at our leisure (that sounds wankerish) which was great. We then headed to a place called Killarney at the advice from a man in a sandwhich shop in Killarney, as good advice as any we thought, and headed for the small town of Killarney!
We decided to camp and after about 10kms of walking (even though the lady at the info centre said it was a 1mile walk) we arrived, with considerably aged and broken backs, haha, but it was a great walk i must admit! We stayed for three nights at the camp ground paying near hostel prices, but it was a great experience. We were camped next to a small stream with georgeous mountin in the back ground 'ahhh feel the serenity'! The only facilities they had however were a pool table and a kettle, so being boys we lived on soup and played pool...Great fun although i wont touch soup for a while! I think it gave me flactulance according to Joel? haha!
We also Hired bikes in Killarney and went through the Killarney national park, it was one of the best days i have had so far! In total we cycled about 30kms in a combination of mist and rain but it was so beautiful it is hard to describe in words. We cycled arounds a huge lake surrounded by forest, climbed a mountain which had a huge waterfall and were general 'hooligans' on the dirt tracks with our'rent a bikes'. It was great! We also managed to make a beer holder on the backs of our bikes which got a few laughs as we rode past people!
On the Last night in Killarney we stayed in a hostel where we met a few cool people, a couple of Americans and Irish guys. Joely and i only bought about 3 pints each, but the end of the night i was at about 9 pints (thats 6 free pints woohoo) and i was feeling considerably pleased with the world! Crawling into bed in the early hours of the morning I was awoken by joel saying we had to go, we had to catch a bus to Belfast...Damn. So after a couple of hours sleep and a massive massive hangover i trugged out of bed and we made our was to the bus station (Joel carriyng most of the gear)...
About 10.5 hours later and a bit of sleep i was feeling a bit better as we got of the bus in Belfast...One thing we noticed was that the streets were dead! It was about 8pm ish and everything was shut, it was one of the strangest things i've seen it was like a ghost town! A very helpful stranger told us that it was because there was a kerfew to stop illegal drinking by youths, very strange!
We stayed at a pretty cool hostel and just wandered around belfast seeing the sights which was cool! We also wento to the Vital Festival which was one of the main reasons we were in Belfast and it was simply awesome! I have never seen so many people in one place, it was huuge! We saw Albert Hammond Junior and the Shins first which was great and we were in the third row standing in front of the stage which was great! Joely almost wet his pants when the shins came on, haha! Then it was Mark Ronsan, then Kasabian (wh rocked) and then the killers. By the time the Killers came on it was paaaaacked. Thousands of people! We were reasonably close to the stage, jumping up and down being surged foward by the crowed dodging beer cans that were being thrown through the crowd, but it was an awesome awesome experience!!!! The Killers went off!! They got the crowd going too which was great! It was a great night, so much fun and we met alot of cool people, most of whom saif the aussie accent was either 'class' or some even said 'sexy', ahh well we have one thing going for us!! haha
I also bought a nw SLR camera in Belfast as i though mine ws broke (turned out to be the batteries) so now i have two cameras! I also got a free $150 upgrade to the Next model up pentax SLR camera which was cool (long story). I love my new camera haha! Ill try and post some pics up soon (cant from this machine)!
We then took a ferry accross to Scotland and are now in Glasgow. Havent seen to much yet, but from what i have seen looks great. the countryside is beautiful!
Anyways that is all for now, sorry for the long post!
Pictures to come in the next couple of days!
Love to all my amigos, haha
Braddy xo


Anonymous said...

hello braddy...
well sounds like ur havin loads of fun,while i am not well i hav recently (today) got home from mum n dads n while i was there i went 2 bendigo 2 c kacey which was so much fun its good havin friends lol. but we didnt really do much watched the simpsons movie which was ok not great but. so really i dont hav nething 2 tell u. i am glad however that u made a new post bcoz i was a bit bored n thought maybe u were gettin bored riting coz it had been so long since the last 1. well bye bye.

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

put some more pics up!
brad, come on, this is ur job and u have no excuse because u now have 2 cameras!
hope uz are still having fun!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Yeh I agree with Rachel put up more pics. Im sick of reading I need more pics. unless of course you have some juicy gossip to tell then i shall read.

Joel said...

Hey! A picture speaks a thousand words but my blogs thousand words.

Were having problems finding a computer that has a USB plug for Brads camera. Trust me, some awesome ones are coming!

Brads SLR is incredible.