Tuesday, August 7, 2007

7 days away from civilization with a maniac!

Hey Everyone!
Well Well where to begin, so much to tell and only 24mins and 51 seconds to do it in! Joely is typing away next to me so i am sure there will be a bit of a double post...anyways....
We are currently in Dublin in the Republic of Ireland which from what i have seen so far last night looks really cool...
For the last seven days we have been camping in the Pembroke Shire on the West Coast of Wales which has been an adventure in itself (and its great to be back to living with electricity and computers!) We started out camping in a place called Fishgaurd which was ok, however it was about a 10min walk outside of the town which was a killer! At fishgaurd we didn't do much, just chilled out and went for walks around the coast which was great, however the beaches over here suck! Black sand, i mean who the hell wants to go to a beach with black sand! Joely however fitted right in at the beach, due to his lack of cleanliness he was actually a shade darker than the sand, allthough he wouldn't touch the water, "too clean" he would say...We had awesome weather at Fishguard, even managed to get a tan happening which looks even better when i stand next to Joely who is ghostly white! haha kidding mate... At fishgaurd we bought a soccerball (or football as they say over here) which we named rodrigo (don't ask me how) which kept us entertained for all of 5mins in the campsite until we got told to stop it, stupid camping lady...
The next morning I awoke to Joely talking to that "stupid camping lady" who offered to take us to her other camping site for the remainder of the week which was alot closer to the town and beach! Sweet! So we jumped in her volvo (my dirty bag on her leather seats) and headed to a place called Newport (about 10mins away)...We also relised that this was the first time we had been in a car for about 2 weeks, which felt kinda strange!
When we got there we were blown away, awesome veiws and plenty of space to kick Rodrigo, awesome!! Stupid lady was now "really kind awesome kind lady".... She the became even awesomer (if thats a word) when she lent us her daughters portable BBQ! Apparantly her daughter travelled to Aus and was treated really good over there . So when she heard about or little predicament (nothing to eat) she lent us her BBQ, which was really really really handy, despite us only cooking Bacon and sausages on it and having bacon rolls for 3 of the 5 nights!
We stayed there for another 5 nights which was great (so close to the beach and town) and also managed to be a bit crap (it rained a couple of nights). Half of the time at this campsite we spent in the laundry, whats that you say, we must have really clean clothes? Nah we just sat in the laundry and played the PSP, drank beer/cider and listened to the ipods (or 'pods' as they are called over here).
One of the nights at the campsite the wind was so strong it felt like the tent was going to lift and blow into the ocean. To this day i'm not sure whether it was Joel farting or just the plan old wind? We will blame it on the wind for now :p
On the last day we packed up the tent and treked into Newport with out backpacks at about 10am, caught a bus into Fishgaurd and then walked to Fishgaurd harbour, with the packs for about 4kms! We then had to wait for the ferry which was late, so we ended up leaving Fishgaurd harbour at 3pm and it took about 3.5hrs to arrive in Ireland. From the port we arrived at we then had to wait for a bus to Dublin, which didn't arrive until 8:15pm and then we sat on the bus for another 3.5hrs arriving in Dublin at about 11:30pm not knowing whether our hostel would be open or not. At this point the park benches were looking very very cosy!
We stopped in the middle of the street (looking pretty lost) when two Irish chicks walked up to us and gave us some directions, awesome! (shit 3 mins left on the computer)
We checked in at about 12am (awesome hostel) and then headed out for a beer! First Beer was a guiness (sp?) which was the best beer i have had they are great over here!!
Anyways thats about all thats happened so ill end it there (sorry for the long post)
Missing everyone back home and hope your all doing ok


Chrissele said...

Have you guys ever watched Top Gear on how they always compete and race each other by some form of another to reach a cetain place... Well Brad your blog here sounds exactly like it, how they jump from one country to another, lol. If I put the sound effects they do on Top Gear races with your story, it's rather thrilling lol.

Hahaha, Rodrigo. Have you guys got influenced by the movie "Cast Away" ??? I forgot what the ball's name there. But the name Rodrigo is pretty cool. Actually, I have a friend name that, he's REALLY good at drawing!!

Chrissele said...

How odd about the beach. I would've thought it was really nice and lovely with clear cool waters and fine white sands... Maybe I'm thinking of those tropical islands. Sounds like its the total opposite. How're the waves? Good for surfing? Do you miss surfing Brad??

Argh, sounds like a cyclone has hit you two and resulted yourselves to accomodate within a laundry :S :S