Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Well, we......aaah.......got a Job.

Using TNT magazine, an essential backpackers magazine distributed all throughout the UK, we contacted Dea Cooper, an employment recruiter for foreigners, specialising in Live-In bar jobs. She gave us a list of positions for Northern Scotland and we made some phone calls. The guy was enthusiastic and agreed to take us on board, much to our surprise.

If your interested in checking out Fort Williams, Scotlands Outdoor Capital, where we will be living, click here. Have a look at some of the pictures. Where we're going is stunning, to say the very least. I think we're going to be Bar staff/Kitchen hands or Waiters. Food and Accomodation is included. Hopefully me and Brad will be Bar Staffing it together on the same shift. Shit that'd be fun. We have a 1 month trial. Bring on the pounds!!!


>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

Hey Joel thats great news about the job,it all goes back to that cup of coffee story and the opportunity that came with it ,it will be a breeze for you two guys.Congratulations!I bet there will be a lot more opportunities to come along good luck and take care love dad and Mum

Anonymous said...

hey guys
glad u got a job... was secretly hopin that yas wouldnt n then u would hav 2 cum home quicker lol hurry up n cum home braddy we miss u!!
well congrats on the job hope yas hav a ball chat soon luv tiff