Saturday, September 22, 2007

Spider Pig, Spider pig, does what ever a spider pig does...

Hey Guys,
Again another appology for the lack of blog posting. Not much has really been happening.
Luke came and stayed with us for about 5 days which was aweosme! Had so much fun, it was great. Although we drank way to much alcohol and I have decided to have a weeks break from the toxic liquid ;) On the 2nd last night he was there he managed to get food poisioning, at first we thought it was due to too much alcohol, but it may have had something to do with the dogy chinese he ate the night before...silly boy.
We have been working heaps lately, today is my fith day straight of finishing work at about 11pm and getting up at 6:30am to the morning shift, although i have two days off tommorrow. THANK GOD!!
Me and Joely both can't wait to get travelling again, the town is great, but there is only so much that you can do in it, and i have found lately all me and the other aussies have been doing is going to the gym. Joel the little girl won't come, "I have an in grown toenail and its to sore, blah blah blah". Here is my little violin playing a tune for you mate...haha just kidding
Work is starting to get pretty bad, management sux and we are finding things are changing for the worst pretty quickly, but i suppose thats what you get when you work in Hospitality! And we keep thinking of the money and where we are heading next. All of the Aussie boys working there feel the same as well, and its so good they are there or otherwise i don't think we would be able to cope! Well there is my negative spin on things anyway :p
Havent had a chance to take to many more photos as the weather has been crap, but ill get some pics up on my days off in the next day or two.
Ummmm what else. We are still alive which is a bonus and we also have some Pounds in our UK bank accounts which is a luxury, no more currency conversions! woohoo! haha
Anyways guys thats about all I have time for. Missing every one back in Aus land!!
Lots of hugs and kisses


Chrissele said...

Ah yeah... And I thought this blog was about 'The Simpsons Movie' or 'Spiderman 3' reading the title of it :S Haha. I haven't seen those movies. Heard Spiderman 3 is crap! You guys haven't mentioned anything about going to the cinemas there. The settings could all together be different :O! Aye I don't know.

Hoy, sounds like bad shift hours. I was talking to Selena earlier. She quit Uluru working 70hrs weeekly. Now she's back in SWR bored as. Haha, I think I'd feel the same too.

Anonymous said...

Please to know that you are still alive!!!!!!! (Although after the Vodka episode - I did wonder!!)Some pictures would still be nice when you get a chance.
Be Safe
Missing you heaps