Monday, July 23, 2007

Notice: Your session will end in 5 minutes.

Yes the nature of accessing the internet while your backpacking is allways through timed sessions in Internet Cafe's or Hostel Foyer's.

Currently I have 5 minutes so Ill make this one a quickie. We're heading to Bath. Another large city of England steeped in Roman History.

YAADA YAADA YAADA. Oh shit I dont know what to write. Umm....Im missing everyone back home. Heaps. Its one of the biggest things that suck here. Also my dwindinling amount of expenses I can afford.

This morning Breakfast was included in the hostel price. This comes in very very handy. One less meal we have to skip if you know what I mean.

Im going to hed out. I hope whoevers reading this leaves a comment.Love Joel. BYe bye


>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

hey joel & brad!!
soo glad you got out of that seedy hostel, i hope no head lice was collected during ur stay ( Fingers Crossed)!
jst writing this so uz both know that we are all keeping up with ur latest news and ive made up a google account through mum and dads email so we can keep in contact through this!
put more pictures up! i really want to see joel attempting to grow a beard.. ill b so proud if u come back with a goaty!

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

Hey Joel & Brad,
So glad you got outta there !!! it will make the better places so much better. Can't wait to hear the comments about Bath. lol >>>rachel>karen>des>>>