Monday, July 30, 2007

(What Next?) Camping in Cardiff.

After comparing prices at 3 different camping stores - all situated in a line outside Cardiff Castle, we picked up a $AUD100 2 man tent. We've worked it out. If we stay in it for about 3 nights - then it pays itself off. Unless it rains and the rain seeps through - then we'll seek other accommodation and probably ditch the idea that was camping. We're camping in Pembrokeshire. Thats the region. In a place called Fishguard. Both of us are really looking forward to camping. Brad, if I'm to quote him, has proclaimed "I've always loved camping maaAAAN...there hasn't been a time that I haven't enjoyed it. Except for camping round the coast at Newcastle, it pissed down rain." The general idea is that we'll buy some really, really cheap cider out of plastic bottles, settle down in the warm grass, survive on microwave dinners and get creative. Read, write, draw, maybe a bit of singing, interpretive dance, it's just gonna be funky. Funky chicken!

I don't think we both realised how tiring it all becomes. Being in Cardiff at an awesome backpackers, where we could chill in a comfortable atmosphere, our body's have finally kicked in to say "just...just hold on a sec, ass hat, don't you realise your absolutely stuffed???" and started resisting real strenuous physical activity's. Even going for a simple walk in the park this afternoon was no small feat.

I'm missing raiding the cupboard. I'm missing cups of tea. But really, its like Saturday everyday over here. (Wait till we get jobs, that particular perception of mine is sure to change.)

Currently me and Brad have been moved out of a dormitory and now where into a private twin share room, where the only person I have to hear fart is Brad. Which is still alot.

Brads interested in Spain. Its a real good idea - cheaper, warmer - but then theres the annoying language (not one of my favorites anyhow). But supposedly, you can put up flyer's in public places advertising English lessons. We were told by a Canadian we met in Bath that people actually hire your services and really its like simply being paid to sit down and have a conversation. Plus, your client generally buys you a coffee. [What a perk!] (Thanks Evonne!)

Lovely Weather in Wales. So we spent it inside the National Museum. It was amazing. There was an Art Exhibition on and both Brad and I enjoyed it immensely. Why? Well there were same paintings by some of the worlds most renowned artists. We saw about 6 works by Monet, 5 by Pissaro, couple of Renoir's, one by Degas and one by Van Gough. Very, very impressive. Admission was free.


>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

Hey Joel & Brad,
Love the photo's I'm still laughing at the umbrella. The hotel in Seoul was 5 star (Hyatt) WOWEE no wonder that second hostel seemed even worse after that.
AH, a microwave in a tent? No wonder it was costly. Have fun guys.
Oh, the art gallery sounds amazing
love Mum

Chrissele said...

WHAT?! You guys saw the works of the world's most renowed artists... Aww, I would've love to have stood there with you two admiring it all!

Hey, it just dawned on me how I haven't been to museums or art galleries in ages. I really do miss it. Maybe I should check one out this month or something.

Love you guys.

Unknown said...

hey guys thanks for the shout out! It's really nice to know that some people really appreciate my wisdom ( Rita dosn't listen to a word I say!) Im glad to see that your still trecking on, remember on those cold lonely nights you could always, well.......spoon. I am so glad that you were both inspired by the Impressionist collection, it has been the best collection I have seen so far, although be sure to check out the National gallery in Dublin it has a couple you might appreciate.(also free)
And now for the Tip of the day: International Art Festival in Edinburgh, not to be missed, its been a wild ride since we got here. It goes till the end of August.....happy travels.
Be safe.
btw Rita has a special drawing that she is keeping for her scrapbook....but dont tell her i told you. (NASA.....)

Chrissele said...

Ooh, that sounds really good Evonne :) I wish I could go to that art festival.

Aw, its making me miss a lot of the old art days! But I'm still drawing, so that's still good I guess :)