Tuesday, July 31, 2007

1.5 Miles DOES NOT EQUAL 1.5km!!

Well we have ventured away from our cosy Hostel in Cardiff and decided to Rough it out in the Wilderness, Wales style! We have found a campsite online in Fishgaurd Bay which was about 1.5miles out of town. "yeh we can do that, no worries, piece of cake" we told each other. Now with an added 3Kg of a tent strapped to my back and another couple of Kg's worth of shopping in Joely's hands we started our voyage to the camp site!
We wound a way along a narrow round, just about being hit by cars as we walked sweating in the hot sun and reassuring each other that firstly this was the right way (we hope) and that it was too much further! After about 500m we decided to stop, have a rest and get phsyced up!! Booyakka!
We ended up getting there about 20mins later, just about dying (I was considering ditching my clothes on the side of the road to make it lighter) and we were greated by the friendliest camping manager dude! He was really nice made a couple of calls for us and had a general chittity chat!
Now at this stage we were pretty glad we were at the site and though we'd set the tent up while it was light. We picked our spot and hoped to it thinking that it was only about a 5min job between the two of us..well...after about 20mins of sticking tent rods where tent rods shouldn't be sticked :p we decided to read the instructions and after that point we had the tent up within two minutes! hooray!
We sat back for the rest of the after noon, chilling out and drinking pints watching the sun set over the beach! beautiful!
The tent was a pretty roomy tent although i am sure joel farted continuosly at 20min intervals during the night! the shower facilities at the ground are pretty sweet to, allthough i'm sure Joely wouldn't know, he hasn't used them yet...
Today we went for a huge walking trek around the area which was very senic, and its also the second sunny day in a row which is a miracle! Hopefully the rain can hold off for another couple of days, although knowing Wales it will probably rain this afternoon!
The plans (if you can call it that) are probably to head over to Ireland next seeing as we are so close and then maybe up to Scotland for some more camping, allthough that may change knowing us and we could end up in Sweeden!!
Anyways I am off, thats about as creative as my uncreative mind can get so enjoy!
Love to everyone!!


>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

hey brad & Joel...
that tent looks soo roomy, i dont know why u whould ever want to go back to staying in hostels..ha! ( Joke intended) does it even fit both of uz in it? i dont know where your bags would fit...
joel, i am pleased that u have attempted growing a beard but i jst want u to know so its not a shock to u later but chicks dont dig bum fluff even if u do have a great aussie accent..!

Brad's Mum said...

Hey guys
So not only is the spelling a problem Brad - the maths is too!!! and haven't I always told you to read the insructions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope the weather stays wonderful for you both ... enjoy the camping although how you work a microwave in a tent has me stumped - maybe I am not up to date with all the techno devices .... both of you be safe and have fun

Dave.Abbott said...

Ha ha ha. That tent is so tiny. Seriously though, where do your bags go?

Joel you always use to be so meticulous with you cleaning. I was always fighting off rumors you were gay (mostly from Alex,lol). How come you've turned into a stinky?

Chrissele said...

You guys are surely roughing it out; no showering (Joel in particular), hard and sweating trek, not sure which way you guys are heading next, god knows what else! And yeah, that's what instructions are for...

Hehehe, I'm sure you guys are managing quite well :) :P

You guys like to camp a lot hey, just remembering the old days. xx.

megs254 said...

It sounds like the two of you are having the time of your lives!! I am so jealous! I'm a bit grossed out by the continous saga of the lack of showering though. Your pics of stonehenge were amazing, I've heard its like right next to a highway, or am i making that up. Anyway continue to have an awesome time!! xx