Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Are we there yet, are we there yet!

Bloody Kids on buses! They should have there on private booth with sound proof glass! Little shites!
Anyways i only have 5mins so i am going to post up a quickie.
We made it to Bath today and i don't know what to say! Its Amazing! All of the buildings have a hint of Romanism (if thats a word) all of the streets are clead and the architecture is amazing!
The people seem freindly and the Hostel we are staying at is awesome!!
Even though we are in Bath Joely still doesn't get the hint and he hasn't had a shower or changed his clothes yet, maybe is saving all that for when we get home?? Apart from that all is going good!
2 mins to go so i am off
Love to all of my fans out there, haha ;)


Brad's Mum said...

Glad everything is going ok - Bath sounds lovely ...some photos if you get a chance would be great...

Love to you both
be safe ... xxx

Chrissele said...

Awesome! Liz did say it was an amazing place with all those architectural buildings. Have you seen her photos on Ringo? I would love to step in and admire its surroundings one day but for now its only a thought... Lol.

Oh, have you guys traced upon the steps that Liz took last year on your journey right now? Haha, that'll be funny. xx.

Anonymous said...

hey joely n brad.. im abit slow to read all ur blogs cuz i just havent had time to sit and actually read them.. but im upto hear and im so jealous of u's have an awesome time!!

much love