Saturday, July 28, 2007

There is a building warmth to this trip.

I may have previously mentioned this but traveling here in the UK is frighteningly expensive. This has been on our minds - heavily influencing our next step that comprises our Journey. Today. We ventured from Bath. We took a 2 hour trip to Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, so yes...we're no longer in England, which i commented to Brad today - is a little odd. Back home, to travel this far it would take you to Newcastle - here, it's another country.

Let me start with Bath. The afford ability of internet constitutes how much you here from both Brad and I. Bath was amazing. It was a magnificent example of turning a single place into a universal tourist attraction by making it law for everyone to build using similar architecture, and the same honey coloured stone. Houses are connected and built the same way, which unlike Australia, where houses that replicate the very next house next to it, and so on and so forth can be irritating and distasteful, its an inspiring feat of design. (Brad will be the one who posts pictures of everything, for he is the keeper of the camera.) On the first night Brad said to me "Hey mate, wouldn't it be awesome to get pissed off our faces tonight" to which i replied..."Yes". Then he coined the phrase "Blind in Bath". To which we certainly accomplished. We each put down 6 pints of Cider (which is stronger than Beer) and amounts to almost 3 litres and I was left stumbling around the dark (but oh so beautiful) city streets arm in arm with Brad, trying to distinguish which way's home. God popped his head in to say Hello that night, (I've decided) because for some reason, when we stopped to look around, where did we find ourselves but on the very doorstep of the YMCA for which we were searching.


We first went for a quiet drink in an empty pub. Bought some Cider on tap (the guy amusingly couldn't understand me...I was pretty much returning his level of confusion) Just smile and nod - (good advice.) Then we made our way to another, closer to the YMCA, choc-a-block full of people and yet, drinks stopped at 11. By this time though we were both extremely intoxicated and it simply would of been fine to end thew night there. Inadvertently catching up with two Italians from our room, we stumbled from 'The Pig and the Fiddle' to a night club (which I'm not sure how - same strange phenomenon as us turning up out the front of the YMCA: we we're just there.) I haggled a DJ to play Radiohead, completely unaware he was trying to Subtley get me to piss off. (When your that drunk, any form of subtlety just doesn't work - i need loud, clear expression.) Before my memory started to fade and then

POP! "OK Boys wake up" - I was back in the dormitory. Not only that but OH LOOK - SURPRISE, there was this neat pile of vomit directly on the floor adjacent to me. I don't remember doing it, and I remember actually looking at the bunk above me for signs of somebody who had slept there during the night. It took me about 5 minutes before I realised that in was mine. What followed was a very slow day. More sleeping really. An easy way to avoid the rain.

We stayed in Bath for 2 more days and we met an interesting German traveller called Svenja (Sven-ya) and two Canadian girls from the tour bus to Stone Henge. Evonne and Rita. We had a jolly old time with them chatting about national differences and peculiarities of the British.

Struggling with my back pack we got onto our delayed bus trip to Cardiff and I wrote 1 postcard on the bus between divulging more Harry Potter. The Hostel we're currently at is brilliant. Its actually pretty close to a Hotel except that I share my room with other snorers and farters.

Next I want to detail my trip to Stone henge (if you could be bothered to continue reading.) I must say that for me it was probably one of the Seminal moments of the trip. Ever since I was a kid its been something totally compelling. I have always wanted to visit it - and it was really only sheer luck that we realised once we got to Bath how close it actually was. Well typically, after standing on the edge of a book store trying to hide from the rain, the purple van pulls up (yes purple) and everyone desperately - and without etiquette, jumps on, elbows raised with many a joke concerning "How lovely it is today." [Sarcasm]. 1 hour trip there - about the same length back. (CHUCKLE!!) It was absolutely pissing down rain. And me and Brad were the only 2 people on the bus who didn't have some form of Spray jacket or rain coat, or an Umbrella. Just lovely Australian surf jumpers that act like wearable sponges in the British weather. To our surprise our tour guide lent us a big colourful Microsoft umbrella which lasted about 2 minutes on the beaten track before a big gust of wind tore the spires from its home and flopped, propelled by the wind across my face. We were there for an hour, but our tour lasted for about 10 minutes. So ironically, we race back to the bus get on chat for 2 minutes and *PLAY "Here comes the Sun" by The Beatles NOW!* and we're kicking ourselves - but you know what, our lovely tour guide insists to let us back in and so thats what happened. Reentering Stone Henge - this time with sunny pictures we got another Stonehenge experience and I must conclude - 2nd time was the best.

Do-A-Da Cha Cha.


>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

Joel? Do-A-Da Cha Cha... ha ha!
i dont know where u get ur creativity from but wherever u did, i certainly missed out..
misssss uzzzzzzzzz!!!!
Rachel x

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

im also proud u got smashed..
gewwwwdddddd work joely-pooos

:) :) :)

>>>Rachel>Karen>Des>>> said...

I have actually had a very good laugh at this entry joel and the spew on the floor PLEASE sounds like you guys are having so much fun. Farty, snoring hostel rooms aside. How amazing to see you both in front of Stonehenge and the one of you in front of the lion at Trafalgar Square, makes life sound a little dull around here, but always a hot shower to be had, HINT HINT. Love >>>karen

Chrissele said...

Ahaha, what a story. Funny about you and Brad's drunken moment and that little mishaps with the umbrella! Hehe.

Hmmm, though its still winter here in Aussie the weather hasn't been so cold and the sky have been very clear and plenty of sunny days. I can't really say have a wonderful sunny day when you guys are thundered by cold and rainy weather...